Commie History Communism

An intro to Commies; Marx and the Russian Revolution

For those of you who are unaware, the United States is under attack by the communist horde.

This, sadly, is not a new development. The United States has been under attack by the communist horde since the communist horde consisted of only a homeless German guy with too much education, and his wealthy benefactor looking for someone with whom to blow his trust fund.
Karl Marx (left), Friedrich Engles (right)

These individuals read the works of an Austrian named Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.

Many books have been written by and about Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. To provide an entirely inadequate summary, Hegel was a philosopher who was not quite as ready as his contemporaries to declare God dead. Among the things Hegel is credited with is a process we call “dialectical opposition”. Using dialectical analysis Hegel argued that progress occurs through conflict between opposing forces. The eventual resolution of this conflict results in the synthesis of the two forces (or organisms or scientific theories or societal norms) into a third thing that could not have existed before.

Marx and Engles, the fathers of the bastard child that they called “Communism”, would list Hegel among those who influenced their ideas. Marx and Engles pervert Hegels ideas to illustrate how society, and particularly capitalist society, was only a stop-gap on the road to a utopian paradise. All systems of government must wither away for humankind to reach their true potential; a society free of all government, capable of sustaining itself. To achieve this intellectual improbability, existing society must be thrown off by the proletariat working class. Capitalist society in particular must be overthrown by violent revolution, according to Marx, and “Marxists”.

Marx believed that the economic system of capitalism was especially unfair to the working class. Capitalism as a system places nearly all of the wealth in the hands of a very few who control where and to whom the capital is divested. This is a churched up way of saying that the rich capitalists have all the money, and that they use their position to take advantage of those who do the actual work by paying them a substandard wage, providing poor working conditions and so forth.

Marx encouraged a working class revolution to overthrow current systems of government. In so destroying the ruling class, according to Marx, a new government would form in its place. This new government, too, was only a way-station on the path to the promise of no government. For soon the temporary government would also fall away of its own accord, leaving humankind free from the oppression of the evil capitalist.

The solution to bad government is, then, according to Marxist interpretation … more government! But different, and probably only temporary.

But the temporary governments never seem to fall away. In fact, history has shown that not only do the temporary governments not fall away, but they are usually worse than the systems that they replace.

The most readily accessible example of this is the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the USSR.

The history of twentieth-century Russia is complicated. In 1905 Russia’s first revolution took place when Czar Nicholas II declared an end to monarchy. The October Manifesto announced the observation of basic human rights, and that the Czar would no longer be able to introduce laws on Russian citizens by his own authority. This led to the Russian Constitution of 1906.

While all this was happening, a young Russian go-getter named Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov was rising to power in a newly formed political party in Russia. We in the west know this man as Vladimir Lenin.

Vladimir Lenin.jpg
Vladimir I. Lenin – Photo:

Lenin, leader of the left wing Bolshevik party in Russia, was unhappy with the new government that had sprung up after the Czar’s reign. Lenin, a fan of Marx, began acting to incite the violent overthrow of the government in Russia in a plan to install a new form of government conceived in the image of Lenin and Marx. This culminated in what has become known as the October Revolution.

There is a lesson for the United Useful Idiots here; revolutionaries laying siege to a government do not go home for curfew.

The people of Russia would spend the next six decades under the boot of the Marxists. Lenin’s dream of a nation managed from the center with each person contributing according to their ability and receiving according to their need was to be supported by a campaign of intimidation, surpressino and murder.

One of the first high profile victims of this force was the execution of the last Russian Czar, the Czar’s wife, their five children and their personal assistants. The family, who were already being held captive as political prisoners after the Bolshevik takeover, were told that they were to be photographed. Dressed in their best, the family was photographed, but then their captors opened fire on the unsuspecting family, killing them all. They were taken to the nearby woods where their bodies were mutilated before being buried in unmarked graves.

While no official paperwork has ever been produced to prove that Lenin gave the order, he certainly approved of the execution and defilement of the former leader and his family.

This was only the beginning.

Lenin, like Stalin, Pol Pot and Mao after him would run a campaign of disinformation, suppression, fear and murder until his death in 1924.

What do you want to do after lunch?
Why don’t we persecute and murder those who disagree with us?
That’s a solid Thursday, comrade.

Joseph Stalin would then continue the tradition in ways that Lenin apparently did imagine. Lenin warned his commie comrades of Stalin’s ambition as well as his ways before his death. Stalin (“man of steel”) would prove Lenin right with his years long campaign of brutality, including the Great Purge wherein Stalin orchestrated events to frame his political detractors, conducted mock trials and executed millions of people on fabricated charges.

You see, folks, that’s what commies do. Using a weaponized version of Hegel’s dialectical opposition, commies become the irresistible force of change in a win-at-all-costs battle to be proven correct in their convictions.

Estimates vary with regard to exactly how many people died during the Marxist-Leninist period in Russia. Recent estimates suggest that no less than sixty million people have been killed as the result of communist campaigns. This includes the people killed as political enemies of the state, but also the millions of people slowly starved to death by the communists.

Intellectuals and atheist imbeciles sometimes cite Christianity or religion as having caused more trouble for humanity than secularism. But the reality is something quite different.

Historians’ estimates for the crusades vary greatly from three million to nine million over the course of two hundred years. Communism has killed twenty times the number of people in one quarter of the time.

The specter which Marx warned about, Communism, is still alive and well today. The evils of Communism did not end with the fall of the USSR.

We were warned in the 1960’s that the commies were trying to take over the country. Fast forward two generations and the cancerous horde have infested all levels of American government, education and society. What remains to be seen is which of the opposing forces of the dialectic will emerge victorious in the battle for the heart and soul of the United States.

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